Rosser Field Day

Rosser School had a field day on Tuesday June 25th. Stations included field games, water balloons, parachute games, an obstacle course bouncy castle, sumo wrestling, and a food craft making Oreo bees/crabs. Great fun was had by students, staff and parents. There was a BBQ lunch that was sponsored by the Rosser Elementary Parent Advisory Council (REPAC). Thanks You REPAC for purchasing and preparing lunch for the school! In the afternoon, the Rosser Fire Department visited Rosser School. There was… Read More

in: End of Year Celebration Grade 1/2 Grade 3/4 Kindergarten Physical Education Playground REPAC Whole School

Camp Manitou Field Trip

Rosser School went to Camp Manitou on Monday June 17th for a fun end of year field trip! Thanks to the Rosser Elementary Parent Advisory Council for sponsoring this event. Thanks to all of the parents who volunteered to attend! Students participated in zip-lining, archery, fishing, bannock making, and gym games. Students stated: “It was a good place to go for an end of the year field trip. It was awesome!” – Sarah “All the activities were set up nicely!”… Read More

in: End of Year Celebration Field Trips Grade 1/2 Grade 3/4 Kindergarten Physical Education REPAC Whole School

Rosser School’s Bike Rodeo

The Bike Rodeo at Rosser School on June 14th was a great success! The day was filled with physical activity, safety, food and fun! The grade 3/4 class started off the day at Grosse Isle School and biked to Rosser. All students were able to ride the entire way! There were quick water and orange slice breaks along the way. Thanks to the Rosser Elementary Parent Advisory Council for supplying the BBQ lunch for all staff, students and volunteers. Hot… Read More

in: Grade 1/2 Grade 3/4 Outdoor Classroom Physical Education Playground REPAC

Glenlea Flower Fundraiser

Thanks to all who were involved with the Rosser Elementary Parent Advisory Council (REPAC) Glenlea Plan Fundraiser. Thanks to the many volunteers on Sunday that helped sort the plant orders. Thanks to the customers who purchased and picked up their plants. Rosser School appreciates the community support!

in: Announcements Outdoor Classroom REPAC Whole School