Rosser visited the Winnipeg Art Gallery on February 26, 2020. The trip was made possible by an Interlake Arts Grant. Students learned about Inuit art and took part in a print making workshop.
Jenn Fossay from Warren Collegiate visited Rosser School to read her book about how plastics can harm our watersheds/environment. Thanks for the bamboo toothbrushes! They are a good alternative to the plastic toothbrushes that are used and disposed of. This was a ‘Caring for Watersheds’ project that Jenn was completing.
The grade 3/4 class has been having conversations about using math in the classroom, at school, in the community, and at home. They have done writing reflections to share how they use math everyday. Here is a pdf of “How they used math last night…” Grade 3 And 4 Math Reflections
On Friday November 22, Rosser School visited Grosse Isle school for a November Number themed community building afternoon. Students were in mixed groupings and participated in many numeracy themed stations. Students took part in problem solving, games, active math, artsy math and an escape room. Thanks to Grosse Isle School for hosting a fun afternoon!
The grade 3/4 class had a great day measuring, weighing, kneading, and baking. Thanks to Suzanne from Pennyloaf Bakery for visiting and sharing her knowledge. The bread tasted great!
On November 7th, 2019 Capt James Miller joined Rosser School for a presentation for Veterans Week. The students were able to engage in the presentation and ask many questions.
Halloween pumpkin carving occurred at Rosser School on October 29, 2019. Students in grade 1/2 had a buddy from the grade 3/4 classroom. The Kindergartens worked as a team. All the students worked together to create some spooky masterpieces!
Rosser School enrolled in MMSM Bag Up Manitoba, a program of Take Pride Winnipeg. Since the fall of 2008, elementary schools in Manitoba have collected nearly ten million plastic bags for recycling into free Frisbees, bird houses, planter boxes, bird feeders and benches for their schools. This year Rosser School students collected and counted 23596 bags! WOW!! The goal of this challenge is to teach students to do more to reduce their waste and consider reusing, recycling and remanufacturing options. Students are… Read More
On October 10th, 2019 the students at Rosser School had perfect snowman making conditions. Lots of fun was had with the freshly falling snow. A reminder that warm and protective winter clothing is important for students to have, even in October!
On Monday September 23, 2019 the Rosser Fire Department came to Rosser School. The students enjoyed the interactive presentation in learning about fire fighters and fire safety. Highlights included trying on firefighter gear, climbing on the fire trucks and reviving bags with fire safety materials.